An Awesome Friday Hanging Out With Rock Stars at the Rock & Roll Mansion
Crobot and Shaman's Harvest are rocking the Rust Belt in East Moline. But before that, they stopped in the Rock & Roll Mansion to talk with I-Rock 93.5.
Let's get this out of the way first, yes the pictures and video below doesn't really look like they were in the I-Rock 93.5 studio. Well, our studio is in the corner, with no a/c, under the bathrooms, and has one rusty old mic. I wasn't going to put the rock stars in there. So we used the big studio.
But before they even made it into the studio we wined (ok vodka/champagne) and dined them. We might not be the biggest and coolest, but we are going to treat any artist that comes to hang out with us like the biggest and coolest.
Crobot was in the studio first.
We talked about the new album "Feel This". The song "Set You Free". We also talked about ice cream and video games. They played acoustic versions of "Set You Free" and "Golden" which you can hear below. According to Crobot, "Golden" Shaman's Harvest favorite song from them.
Last night the guys from Crobot went to Analog Arcade bar in Davenport and took on the Jurassic Park game.
Plus, with our ice cream chat, I guided them to Whitey's today.
Crobot also brought in their guitars and were still ready to play after a night of games. You can listen to the full interview below.
Check out the interview with Crobot here.
You can hear the songs at around the 14-minute and 26-minute points of the interview.
Then a quick change over, Shaman's Harvest came to the mansion.
It was actually so quick that they all hung out in the hallways of the Rock n' Roll Mansion during the crossover. And of course, the first thing we talked about was, how to pronounce their name. And yes, it is Shaaaaman's not Shayman's. We agreed we need to start a petition to get Amazon and Google to change and get it right.
We then talked about different genres of rock. Nathan talked about this in the past and I just had to get into it more with him. Cause he is spot on.
We also talked about the WWE, cause the guys with Shaman's Harvest have done a lot of songs for the WWE including the theme song for Drew McIntyre.
What else did we talk about, staying "healthy" on the road, what they do in their free time, and much, much more. Check it all out here and see you at the show.
Check out the interview with Shaman's Harvest here.