It is no debate who are the best people in the Quad Cities.  The people that listen to I-Rock 93.5.  We're like a little club, a cult, a unit.  There are so many ways to be a member of the I-Rock Hard Unit.

The I-Rock 93.5 app.


We talk about it all the time cause it is pretty awesome.  Your one-stop app for pretty much everything.  Download load it for free and explore away.  Listen live from anywhere in the world and be sure to turn the alerts on so you can be the first to know about concert announcements and how to win stuff.

The I-Rock Hard Newsletter.


Getting emails normally suck.  It's spam or somebody asking you to do work.  This email will just give you hard rock news, contests and exclusive music surveys.  You'll only get one a week and I'll never give your email to the Russians so you get more expired car warranty emails.

I-Rock 93.5 on Facebook.


Maybe sometimes I post dumb things that seem like they are from the drunk relative, but they should make you laugh.  More news, contests and learn about all our events here first.

I-Rock 93.5 on Instagram.


Instagram isn't just for hot chicks.  Follow along for random pictures from the Rock & Roll Mansion, our promo items, concerts and our I-Hosts.

I-Rock 93.5 on Twitter.


If you want to be a super hard I-Rock Hard Unit member, then you'll even give a follow on Twitter.  This typically has our most random thoughts and fun gifs.

Subscribe to our YouTube page.


YouTube is a place where people share videos.  We have videos of live music, celebrities, and some guy talking to himself.

I-Host 93.5
The ultimate achievement for a member of the I-Rock Hard Unit.  You pick an hour of music and host the hour Friday at 6 pm.  Don't be nervous.  You can't be any worse than the first guy.  Sign up today.

Win Stuff!
Really, this is what you have been waiting for.  Our bribe.  We are always giving something away.  From cash and concert tickets to restaurant gift cards and stuff I steal from other stations.  This is the place for it.

Download and like and follow all the above links to be a member of the I-Rock Hard Unit and #GetHard with I-Rock 93.5.

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