I-Rock 93.5 wants you to do all our work. You pick the music. You rock the Quad Cities. We head to the bar.

Every Friday at 6:00 you will kick off the weekend with "I-Host 93.5" presented by The Pub in Milan.  Your chance to host I-Rock 93.5 and pick our playlist for the 6:00 hour!

The Pub
The Pub

Enter now for a chance to win:

*Winners will need to come to the I-Rock 93.5 studios to record audio at a time agreeable with Ryan.

*All music chosen by the winner must be in accordance with the station format and be in accordance with all FCC guidelines.  That means no cussin’!

*Ryan will have the final say over the final music decision.

*If song(s) is (are) not available Ryan will work with the winner to find songs/artists that will be close to winner's choice.

*Don’t show up drunk.  Or do.  Whatever.

Keep Looking At All The States I-Rock 93.5 Has Rocked

I-Rock 93.5 is the Quad Cities Hard Rock station. You made that happen by listening and downloading and liking and showing up to all our stuff. But you keep taking it one step further. You like to wear the I-Rock 93.5 shirt, or in some cases take the I-Rock 93.5 flag, with you when you travel. Which is awesome.
Now, we are on a mission to get a picture of our shirt/flag/koozie in every state.
Next time you travel take I-Rock 93.5 with you and then send us the picture on the I-Rock 93.5 app or on our Facebook page and we'll share it with the world to show how much you, and the Quad Cities rocks.

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