I-Host 93.5
I-Rock 93.5 wants you to do all our work. You pick the music. You rock the Quad Cities. We head to the bar.
Every Friday at 6:00 you will kick off the weekend with "I-Host 93.5" presented by The Pub in Milan. Your chance to host I-Rock 93.5 and pick our playlist for the 6:00 hour!
Enter now for a chance to win:
*Winners will need to come to the I-Rock 93.5 studios to record audio at a time agreeable with Ryan.
*All music chosen by the winner must be in accordance with the station format and be in accordance with all FCC guidelines. That means no cussin’!
*Ryan will have the final say over the final music decision.
*If song(s) is (are) not available Ryan will work with the winner to find songs/artists that will be close to winner's choice.
*Don’t show up drunk. Or do. Whatever.