If You Have A Pulse In The Quad Cities, You Can Get A Job
Ok maybe that headline is a bit extreme. Although I really think even my 6-year-old could get a job right now based on this weekend's experience.
This is not the first time I've wrote about the need for people to work in the Quad Cities. I had this gem about 2 months ago with all the different places in town that are hiring. I'm guessing most of these places are still looking or will be again soon. But this time it wasn't what I was hearing, it was what I was experiencing that prompted me to once again type up this story about the available jobs in town.
First off, I'd like to say that this is not an endorsement for these restaurants however both are excellent. I'd also like to point out that service and the meals at both locations were fantastic. I'd recommend going to either place at anytime. So in no way is this a complaint on the restaurants, the cooks or the servers. It's a complaint on the fact that nobody wants to work!

The adventure started Thursday night when I took the aforementioned 6-year-old out to D'Lua Pancake and Burrito House in Bettendorf. When we pulled up to the parking lot it looked normal for a Thursday night so I figured we would not have a wait. Turned out there was a 20 minute wait. Not because of all the people going for pancakes and burritos, but because they are short staffed. I appreciated the fact they didn't try to seat everybody quick and put that kind of strain on the staff. I then noticed the below sign that gave me all the answers I needed.
After our meal (which was excellent as always) I asked the manager about the short staff. She told me they have not received an application in months. They are trying, but there is nobody even applying to work.
Next up came Saturday at Steel Plow Burger Company in Davenport. Another excellent place that the child loves because of course, she wants the giant shakes! Now here I figured there would be a wait. Saturday night at that place is typically busy. The wait was only 20 minutes and looking into the restaurant all the tables were full. So you'd think no surprise here. But look again at the main picture of this story. That is the patio at Steel Plow on a beautiful night in the Quad Cities. Nobody at a table. Not because it was too hot. (seriously it wasn't that hot and don't complain about the heat cause it will be cold again in the winter before you know it) There were no people sitting on the patio because it wasn't open due to lack of staff.
Once again, after a short wait we got a table and the meal and service was excellent. But for a second time, a restaurant wasn't at capacity due to staff.
These are just two examples of what I'm sure are 100's more in the Quad Cities. I would hope restaurants could fill staffing for the summer with kids out of school. But (insert old man voice) knowing kids these days they won't. If you are looking for any type of job, especially in the service industry, you can find one if you have a pulse. Maybe start at these two places cause it would really help me out the next time the kid wants pancakes or ice cream.
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