Get Your Quad Cities Horror On This Saturday
They're here.....
I apologize in advance, because I'm going to be packing in as many horror puns in this story as possible because well, they slay. Midwest Monster Fest is finally back in the Quad Cities with their pop-up horror market on Saturday, May 22 from Noon until 7PM at the Rock Island County Fair Grounds. Not only will this spooktacular event have TONS of vendors from artists to mask makers, cameos from some amazing horror actors, there will also be side show entertainment and carnival games all day long. They may have been slashed off the calendar last year, but like any good horror film, they don't die that easily. They're back with a vengeance.

Its gotta be pretty obvious that I am a HUGE horror fan. I even wrote a story about how much I loved reading horror books, you can check that story out here. Ever since I was a kid and saw "Monster Squad" for the first time, I have been obsessed with all things scary ever since. From movies, to TV shows, I've seen more blood and guts than I care to admit. Its probably something I should be talking to a therapist about. But, who needs therapy when you can get your freak on at a horror festival!
It should probably be mentioned that we here at I-Rock 93.5 ain't afraid of no ghosts. See? I warned you. All week long we're giving away prize packs from Midwest Monster Fest including tickets to the event. Be listening every day from 10am-3pm for your chance to win. You can get more info about the event, as well as buy advance tickets at midwestmonsterfest.com.
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