Every Friday at 6:00 p.m. you can rock your hour on I-Rock 93.5 with "I-Host 93.5" presented by The Pub in Milan.

You choose the playlist.  Then you come to the Rock & Roll Mansion and talk about the songs.  All you need to do is sign up here and then watch your email.  A lot of people are signed up but we'll get you in eventually.

The Pub
The Pub

Who am I?  Anthony Bleuer Rock Island Native( Born and Raised). Local Mailman

Why Do I Like Hard Rock?  I feed off of it's energy

Favorite Artists?  As I have aged my No. 1 spot has changed, but here is a top 5 of Sorts.  White Zombie,  Mastodon, Lamb of God, Between the Buried and Me, Blind Equation

Best Concert?  That's tough.  The shortlist of great ones is Iron Maiden in Salt Lake City 2012, Merry Mayhem at the Mark 2002, Pig Stock the year Slayer headlined, Slipknot, System of a Down, and Rammstein in Cedar Rapids.  I have a lot of Great Concert memories.

  1. Megalodon - Mastodon
  2. Monsters of the Deep - Devildriver
  3. The Weak Willed - All That Remains
  4. Engel - Rammstein
  5. Moonlight Equilibrium - The Black Dahlia Murder
  6. As the Palace Burn - Lamb of God
  7. Mummified in Barbed Wire - Cannibal Corpse
  8. Mordecai - Between The Buried And Me
  9. Propane Creation - Pitlord
  10. Get To The Gone - Static-X
  11. Setting Fire To Sleeping Giants - Dillinger Escape Plan
  12. Teenage Lobotomy - Ramones
  13. Eyeball in My Martini - The Cramps

QUIZ: Can You Guess the Iconic TV Show From Just One Opening Freeze-Frame?

Think you’re the ultimate TV fan? How well do you know your classic TV intros? Put your knowledge to the test with our quiz. We’ll show you a freeze-frame from the opening credits of an iconic TV show—take your best guess, then scroll to see if you were right and watch the full opening. Good luck!

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