Out of all the fireworks we can buy in the state of Illinois, this very tiny one brings back tons of memories from our childhoods.

Remember, as a kid, when you'd go to Dollar Tree or Walmart with your parents around 4th of July and there were shelves full of fireworks?

Fireworks Sale For New Year's Eve Begins
Getty Images

Related: What Happens If You're Caught With Fireworks In Illinois?

There were bundles of giant fireworks and then smaller ones in a separate section, like sparklers and smoke bombs for kids!

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My parents would never buy me the bundles because they were "too dangerous," but really they just didn't want to drop $25.

New Year's Fireworks Sales Begin
Getty Images

There was only one firework they'd let me buy and it was less than $2.00/box.

America's Most Nostalgic Firework Is A Big Hit In Illinois

TNT Pop-Its.  You know, the box full of sawdust and tiny white paper that had rocks in them!  The best type of fireworks that wouldn't blow your hand off!

"Pop Its consist of a tiny amount of silver fulminate with coarse sand or gravel twisted into tissue paper." [sciencenotes]


Covel's TNT Fireworks Stand - FB
Covel's TNT Fireworks Stand - FB

Don't lie, you know you would throw them at your siblings instead of on the ground.  It was the best part of celebrating July 4th haha.

I think anybody who has ever celebrated 4th of July has a solid memory of playing with TNT Pop-Its. Now that we're all adults, what kinda fireworks are we playing with now?

I'll still be buying these, it's only tradition!

Ummm, can anyone explain why these toys are tethered to an abandoned motel south of Rockford???

Gallery Credit: Danny Willams via Facebook

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To each their own, some parents may frown on telling lies to their kids. Thank goodness it isn't any of these parents because these lies crack me up.

Gallery Credit: Facebook

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