We’re Teaming Up With KWQC For A Quad Cities Blessing Box Drive
Townsquare Media is proud to partner with KWQC TV6, Quad Cities Hy-Vee, the Davenport People Uniting Neighbors and Churches (P.U.N.C.H.) along with Friends of Martin Luther King to host a Blessing Box drive.
When and where is the Blessing Box Drive?
On Martin Luther King Day from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. you'll be able to easily drop off your donation at the KWQC station. The TV station is located at 805 Brady Street. Simply drive up Brady Street and pull into the station driveway. There will be KWQC staff in the parking lot to take your donations so you won't even have to get out of your car. You'll then drive out onto Perry Street and be done. Easy and a great way to help those in our community.
What is needed for Blessing Boxes?
Personal products:
- Toothpaste/brushes
- Mouthwash
- Deodorant
- Soap/body wash
- Lotion/Vaseline
- Shampoo/conditioner
- Sanitizer
Cleaning products:
- Bathroom cleaners
- Household cleaners
- Disinfectant wipes
- Dish detergent
Paper products:
- Paper towels
- Toilet paper
- Kleenex
Laundry Products:
- Detergent
- Bleach
- Fabric softener
(P.U.N.C.H.) along with Friends of Martin Luther Kings distribute Blessing Boxes every Saturday from 8 to 9 a.m. at the J.B. Young Center, 1702 North Main Street, in Davenport.