Thank you.  I will say it over and over and over.  Thank you for the support.  Thank you for rocking with us.  Thank you for everything you do to keep rock alive and well in the Quad Cities.  It was once again on display Saturday, January 22 at the Village Theater in Davenport for the sold-out I-Rock 93.5 Holiday Office Party.

The night started with Been There Done That.  The ladies with BTDT have been a part of the station since the start and continue to grow and get better.  They definitely picked up some new fans at this one.

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Then Discrepancies took the stage.  Out of St. Louis, the guys got the heavy going right from the start of their set.  If you didn't make it to the show or haven't seen them before, this is definitely a band you will want to see next time they are in town.  If you are my age and grew up with that nu-metal sound, these guys are keeping it alive and well.

Finally, Alborn took the stage.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again.  Every time you get to see them on a small stage at a club here in the Quad Cities, be happy.  Cause their stage size and audience size are just going to continue to grow.

Actually, that wasn't the final thing of the evening.  Then Santa (me) showed up with his sack of gifts for everybody.  There were some very happy people with Tool and Korn tickets, and then one person that wasn't all that happy.  The biggest dude at the show, which made me worried for my life, won the t-shirt bag with the country station t-shits and the Taylor Swift t-shirt.  Sorry, bud!

There were a lot of options for people on Saturday night.  One of them included sitting at home and watching football.  As a Packer fan, I'm glad I was able to be at this concert with you.  Sports will almost always disappoint you.  Music will almost never disappoint you.  That was true again on Saturday night.  So glad I get to do what I do, and I couldn't do it without you.  So once again, THANK YOU!

Thank you to Alborn, Discrpenencies, Been There Done That, AHA Holisticals, Hilltop Gun Shop, Dark Horse Limo, Tony with Rexroat sound, the Village Theater, the bartenders (you sold them out of Busch Light!), and of course, each and every one of you.  Especially all of you that bought me shots.  What a night.  See you at the next one!

I-Rock 93.5 Holiday Office Party

Alborn, Discrepancies and Been There Done That rocked the Village Theater in Davenport on January 22. You rocked the Village Theater! A great set of live music and a lot of fun giving out good (and one bad) prizes.

Keep Looking: Clothing Optional - Sexual Freedom Campsite In Wisconsin

A short drive from the Quad Cities will take you to the land of beer and cheese known as Wisconsin. A bit more of a drive to the Northwoods of Wisconsin and you will find an isolated 60 acre "No Clothes Necessary" campground. Welcome to "Camp NCN North".
Camp NCN North calls itself an "Adult Campground" where clothing is optional and sexual freedom is encouraged.

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