This Missouri Man Just Found These Mammoth Tracks in His Garden
Missouri is known for having a wide variety of wildlife, but there's nothing I am aware of that can explain the mammoth creature tracks that a Missouri man just found in his garden. They are gargantuan.
This brand new episode from the Missouri YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory is the result of a trip to southern Missouri where they met Adam who found alarming footprints in his garden.
Adam was able to get this plaster cast made of the print he found about 20 feet away from his onions and watermelon. He is a big guy and placed his foot next to the plaster cast for a comparison and it dwarfs him.
Later in the episode, they made a night expedition into the nearby Missouri woods and captured this huge heat signature on one of their cameras.
They also reportedly heard creature vocalizations, wood knocks and even a major ground stomp. Adam is not alone in his experiences. A comment on the YouTube video share included this story:
Missouri Broad 978 - "A couple of weeks ago I heard the first yell from the creature that lives at the back of my property. First time I have heard anything in the two years we have been here. It sounded like part of a Tarzan yell. It was so LOUD even though it was approx 10+ acres away from where I was standing."
Something odd is happening in the southern Missouri woods. While there's no proof yet as to what creature this is, there are no wildlife species I'm aware of in the state that can explain these odd occurrences.
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Gallery Credit: grimmlifecollective via YouTube