It was recently revealed by Hellyeah guitarist Tom Maxwell that he was going to have to have hand surgery at the end of their current tour leg, but unfortunately the guitarist is not able to make it that long.

In a new posting, Maxwell reveals that his condition has worsened and his doctor has advised him against performing again until he has his surgery. The musician had already scheduled the surgery for September, revealing earlier this summer that he had broken his middle finger on his left hand during a car accident.

The injured finger has resulted in what Maxwell is calling "trigger finger," where his finger gets stuck and locked into place. He explained earlier this year, "It’s really odd — an odd feeling. So I’ve got a series of cortisone shots, which the percentage of the cure rate from that is about 70 percent. Unfortunately, I didn’t fall into that. So now [my doctor is] gonna go in and make a little incision and go in here and fix what’s not right.”

As a result of Maxwell's worsening injury, the final three shows of Hellyeah's current run in Jacksonville, N.C., Greenville, S.C. and Concord, Va. have been called off, expected to be rescheduled for a later date. His statement on the matter reads as follows:

As previously announced, I was scheduled to have surgery following our last show at Blue Ridge Rock Festival. My condition has worsened and my physician has advised me against performing again prior to surgery.
I was previously involved in a car accident and broke the middle finger on my left hand. I now suffer from trigger finger, a condition that causes my finger to lock. I received a series of cortisone shots to alleviate the problem, however, the cure rate is about 70%. Unfortunately, that procedure did not work in my case.
I am devastated that my finger has been very stiff and painful. We have been performing at our very best and the support of all those who have paid tribute to Vinnie Paul has really helped us recover from our loss. We will reschedule the headline shows. I’m really sorry we could not perform for you this time... But we will see you soon!
- Maxwell

Maxwell did say previously that the target for the band's return to the road after his recovery period was expected to be in November of this year. No dates have been announced as of yet, but keep an eye out for a potential announcement once the surgery has happened and his recovery has been monitored.

Hellyeah Postponed Dates

Sept. 06 - Jacksonville, N.C. @ The Tarheel
Sept. 07 - Greenville, S.C. @ The Firmament
Sept. 08 - Concord, Va. @ Blue Ridge Rock Festival

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