The Best Way To Figure Out Your Future…Get Your Hands On It
Are you at work right now reading this bored out of your mind? Are you on your couch right now reading this trying to decide what to do with life? Do you have a son or daughter that is still living in the basement when it's clearly time for them to hit the bricks and start their own life? Then this "Learn & Explore" night might be for you...or them.
Learn & Explore with Midwest Technical Institute
On Thursday, August 25th Midwest Technical Institute is holding a free interactive on-campus experience. You can check out what they have to offer in the world of:
- Welding
- Medical Assisting
- Dental Assisting
- Truck Driving
- Cosmetology
If you are interested in any of these career fields this will be a good night to go learn more since MTI will also have food and beverages. Better than what your current employer offers.
Check out MTI in Moline or other locations.
There are 4 Midwest Technical Institute campuses. But the most convenient one for you will probably be the Moline campus located at 3620 Avenue of the Cities. But, the internet is vast so if you are reading this from elsewhere you can also check out the "Learn & Explore" night at their East Peoria, Springfield Missouri, and Springfield Illinois campuses. (Note, the Springfield Illinois night will be Tuesday, August 23)
The hands-on learning starts at 5:00 p.m. and there is no RSVP required. Attendees must be over 18. So again, that teenager that graduated and is still living in the basement...just tell them there will be food to get them started.
For more details check out MTI's event page here.