Are You Tough Enough To Roll With The Quad City Rollers?
You've rocked in a pit, you can rock on the rink. But if you've been too timid to let the beast out, maybe this is the perfect outlet for you. The Quad City Rollers are having a Recruitment Night and could use all of your badassery.
Who are the Quad City Rollers?
The Quad City Rollers have been rockin and rollin since 2006. The Quad City Rollers entered the Women's Flat Track Derby Association Apprentice Program in July 2011 and became a full member of the WFTDA in December 2013. The Quad City Rollers operate as a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization and are skater owned and operated.
Where do I go to skate and rock and roll with the Quad City Rollers?
October 19th at the Eldridge Community Center the ladies will be there to talk to you about the team, the league, and what it takes to join them.
If you've ever thought of becoming a Quad City Roller now is the chance. Maybe you are looking to make friends, get in shape, learn a new skill, or just let the monster out and take some other ladies down on the track. This is the place for you. And no experience is required.
If you are interested but don't think skating is for you, maybe you can be a ref, nonskating official, or volunteer. So if you are worried about your can start it up with one of these essential Roller Derby rolls.
What does it take to be a Quad City Roller?
You do need to be 18 years of age or older. Have the ability to attend most practices which take place twice a week. Bring the kid! Practices are kid-friendly. And then get the gear that they can help you find.
Also, really you need a good nickname. Something about being a badass that rhymes with your name seems to work well.
Ready to give Roller Derby a shot?
Then get to the Eldridge Community Center on October 19th. Need to get some questions answered, email for more information. For information about junior roller derby contact
Sign up, and then maybe you can hang out at the radio station as well.