What Elton John Song Sounds Best with a Symphony? Find Out at Riverfront Pops
Do you love the music of Elton John? Do you want to experience some of his greatest hits as done by a symphony orchestra? Then you don’t want to miss Quad City Symphony Orchestra’s Riverfront Pops concert on Saturday, August 20 at 7:30 pm in LeClaire Park in Davenport, IA!

Riverfront Pops is an annual outdoor concert series held each summer in beautiful LeClaire Park. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy music under the stars as the symphony plays some of your favorite tunes. Vendors will be on hand at Riverfront Pops, so come hungry and leave happy! Quad City Bank & Trust Riverfront Pops will feature all-time favorites by Elton John to make it an unforgettable evening for music lovers.
Why Riverfront Pops is Awesome
Not only is the music great, mixing some of your favorite music with the QC Symphony, but people really have fun with the accouterments. You don't have to get fancy with your spread, but as you can see below, you can bring a pretty elaborate setup including white table cloths, candles, and flowers, even charcuterie boards, and chocolates.
It's all up to you!
Riverfront Pops
"The Party of the Summer is turning 40! Celebrate with us along the banks of the Mississippi with a choir-enhanced symphonic celebration of the Music of Elton John. Rock to Elton’s greatest hits including “Rocket Man,” “Madman Across the Water,” “Tiny Dancer,” and “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me!” This spectacular event closes with our traditional renditions of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture and Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever set to a brilliant fireworks display.
Schedule of Events
4:00 pm | Event Area Gates Open (No access prior to 4:00 p.m.).
6:30 pm | Pre-Show featuring the Youth Symphony Orchestra
7:30 pm | The Music of the Elton John
Quad City Symphony Orchestra Riverfront Pops Concert
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