The Davenport Police Department has received several reports of a scam taking place in Iowa.

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Scammers In Iowa

Davenport Police Department describes how the scam works:
"Scammers use deceptive practices such as posing as utility workers in an attempt to gain entry into your home, distracting you, so that they (or their partners) can commit a theft. The scammers can be very convincing even wearing utility uniforms etc. Scammers can sometimes be very persistent."
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Police want everyone to know that if you encounter a scam such as this and the scammer refuses to leave and/or continues to pressure you into letting them in, call 9-1-1.

Tips To Avoid Becoming A Victim Of This Scam:

The Davenport Police Department gave us 5 tips on how to avoid being a victim of this ridiculous scam.
Never allow anyone who you do not knowto enter your home.
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  • Do not be fooled by "phony" uniforms, work vests, or ID badges. If you did not call or request the service, do not open the door.
  • Keep your windows and doors locked, even when you are home and always look out a window to see who is at your door.
  • Never open your door to anyone you do not know. Do not give them an opportunity to push the door in.
  • If you have fallen victim to this scam where property or money has been taken, you can file a report online by visiting

    Caught in Rockford

    One man was shocked to see this scam happen to his poor grandmother in Rockford, Illinois.

    Josh Michalsen of Davenport obtained ring doorbell footage of 3 men entering his grandmother's house in Rockford. The men claimed that they were at her house to do tree work.

    Michalsen's Facebook post reads, "If anyone sees these 3 gentlemen wandering around Guilford and Alpine, call the police. They just broke into my grandma's house 20 mins ago. Said they were going to do tree work. They’re driving an unmarked white van possibly a ford escape."

    He attached a video and photos from the Ring doorbell.

    Read More About this scam here, as it is also happening in Wisconsin.

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