In the town of Southington, a heart-wrenching tale transformed into a fairytale ending for an 8-year-old boy named Gabe. Little did he know, a trip to Target with his father on a Saturday would soon lead him down a path of disappointment.

Southington, Connecticut

Gabe and his dad, TJ, ventured into Target on July 1st, where three strangers approached them, claiming to be working with Gabe's beloved YouTuber, 'Mr. Beast.'

The mysterious trio proposed a unique challenge: a blindfolded "fill-a-cart" race, where whatever they managed to gather within thirty seconds would be paid for by these supposed representatives of Mr. Beast's show.

Getty Images
Getty Images

Excitement surged through Gabe's veins, as he idolized Mr. Beast and his charitable videos. TJ, too, saw this as an opportunity for his son to fulfill his dreams. Blinded by their enthusiasm, they willingly donned their blindfolds and filled their cart.

However, just as swiftly as the challenge began, TJ heard the fading sounds of footsteps, leaving him alone in the aisle.

"It broke my heart because I thought my dreams were coming true," Gabe's said.

They discovered that the 'shopping cart challenge' was nothing more than a cruel trick. The men who approached them were imposters, not affiliated with Mr. Beast or his show.

TJ couldn't ignore the cutting remark that wounded his son's spirit: "because of your hearing loss." It was the insinuation that Gabe's special need was the reason he was chosen for the challenge that fueled TJ's anger.

Fueling his emotions into action, TJ took to Facebook to share their heartbreaking encounter.

TJ's Facebook Post
TJ's Facebook Post

On Sunday, Gabe's dreams were finally realized. A shopping spree awaited him. The Town of Southington Commission for Persons with Disabilities gave Gabe a $200 gift card, in a remarkable display of generosity, Target matched their contribution.

“I picked out Nerf guns, water balloons, and water guns,” said Gabe. “It made me feel heartwarming and happy.”

Gabe and TJ Lyles.
Gabe and TJ Lyles.

TJ says this shows how generous the Southington community can be.

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