Valentine's Day is mere days away and the Humane Society of Scott County has a way to call out your ex.

I'm not a huge fan of the traditional Valentine's Day stuff because it just seems really overdone. But these anti-ex activities that organizations are doing more of are just grand. The Brookfield Zoo in Illinois will let you name a Madagascar Hissing Cockroach after your ex. And now the Humane Society of Scott County is getting in on the fun.

You can put your ex's name in a shelter cat's litter box, just for $10. Perfect for all the times you've called your ex a steaming pile of...well you know.

As one who cleans out two litter boxes daily, I can confirm this is a very stinky form of being petty. That's probably why I feel compelled to do it. As the shelter says: it's self-care, y'all. And why not adopt the kitty that crapped on your ex's name, since it's clearly on your side.

If you need additional justification, remember that it helps out the shelter kitties. So your petty attitude is going towards a worthy cause to help the shelter keep food for the animals, litter for the kitties, and necessities like blankets and bedding. Just for $10.

Also, go adopt all of the shelter animals before I do, guys. I already have a pup in Arkansas and my QC landlady drew the line at two cats. You can see the pups and cats that are up for adoption at the Humane Society on their website.

The Top Ten Excuses You Can Use to Cancel a Date

Have you ever had to bail on a date when you realized the person was total garbage? You realized you got yourself into a situation with someone you're not even interested in.

Before we reveal the top 10 excuses to get out of a date, here are a few fun dating facts.

People will tolerate an average of 51 minutes of a bad date before making their excuses to leave, according to research.

Daters were also asked about bowing out ahead of time with 44% of people saying they have done that. On average, we'll cancel 19 hours beforehand.

Here are the ten most common excuses we've used to get out of a date.

Former QC Weather Guy Opens Super Unique AirBNB in an Old Church in Galena

Ex QC weather guy Terry Swails an his wife Carolynne have started an AirBnB. This 1894 chapel was fully renovated and holds 10 guests with 3 bedrooms, 3 beds, and 3 baths in Galena, Il.

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