Iowa’s Most Haunted Location Is Of Course An Old Meat Packing Plant
The researchers at Treetopia set out to explore the most haunted states in America
this Halloween season. They went through all the recorded ghost sightings from "Ghosts Sightings of America" and "Shadowlands Haunted Places Index". Then, they broke it down to every city and location in all 50 states.
In Iowa, the most haunted city is Sioux City with a total of 41 ghost sightings as of this fall. The most haunted location is at KD Station, an old meat packing plant built in 1915.
Here's just one account according to
One night, this owner proceeded to turn off the lights at KD Station. These lights were the type that had to be unscrewed in order to be turned off. He did just that, then proceeded to lock the doors in front of the building and as he walked away he glanced back at the building.
A flushed, white complexion changed the tone of his body and fear filled up his core as he saw that every single light had been turned back on. He reported that there was no possible way that someone could screw the lights back in thirty minutes; let alone thirty seconds. If a patron was still locked inside there were no on/off switches to give them light in the haunted building. His fear refrained him from returning inside the premises that night and as he returned in the morning the lights were how he intended originally…Shut off.
The Midwest is a scary place this time of year with several states landing in the top five most haunted in the US. Ohio (2,883 sightings), Michigan (2,671 sightings), and Illinois (2,496 sightings).
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