CDC Issues New Guidance For Schools Opening
As things return to "the new normal" I hate that phrase so much...the CDC has come out with new guidance on how everything in life should be approached. Including, getting the kids back to school.
Here is the link to the 60 page document that lays out all of it. Yeah, of course it's 60 pages. Nothing involving the government can be done in a quick and concise way. Luckily for you, we in radio are taught to be as quick as possible to keep the music going. So here you go, in bullet point form, the "guidance" that the CDC is giving to schools in order to reopen.
- Masks should be worn by all staff and are encouraged for students over the age of 2. (Editorial note; no chance my 5-year-old keeps on a mask for more than 10 minutes before "it itches" or she decides she wants to wear her friends mask.)
- Limit sharing of toys, games, electronic devices. (Another Editorial note; unless they get one of everything for every child in the room, do you really think they won't want what the other kid has.)
- Space desks at least 6 feet apart and have them all face the same direction.
- Create social distance between children on school buses. As an example, one child per seat in every other row. (I hope the district has enough buses.)
- Install sneeze guards.
- Close communal spaces such as game rooms or dining halls.
- If food is offered, have pre-packaged boxes or bags fro each attendee instead of a buffet or family style meal.
- Cancel all field trips, inter-group events, and extracurricular activities. (Nowhere to go anyway.)
- Restrict mixing between groups. (In other words, the classroom your kid is in, they will be in that with the same people all day)
- Stagger arrival and drop-off times.
Plus of course within those 60 pages plenty of talk about washing hands. In fact, the word wash shows up 22 times. Sanitize is in there 12 times. Clean is in there 44 times. Once again, does the CDC not have children. Children are not clean in anyway shape or form. So to all the teachers and school staff that will need to enforce these guidelines as the kids return to school. Good luck. We're all counting on you.