Illinoisans Have An Extremely Short Life Expectancy - Here's WhyIllinoisans Have An Extremely Short Life Expectancy - Here's WhyA report from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says Illinoisans aren't expected to live as long as they previously projected.EmilyEmily
11 Pre-2000s Prog Metal Bands That Deserved to Be Way Bigger11 Pre-2000s Prog Metal Bands That Deserved to Be Way BiggerThese 20th century prog metal masters should've been household names!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Most Played Cover Song By 55 Big BandsMost Played Cover Song By 55 Big BandsWe combed though setlists of the biggest names in rock and metal to find out their most played cover songs. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
10 Things IL Men THINK They Do Better Than Their Wife of GF10 Things IL Men THINK They Do Better Than Their Wife of GFWhat started as a simple trivia question about something nearly 50% of men 'think' they do better than their partner, escalated to this list of 10 other things. Reality often tells a different story.Steve ShannonSteve Shannon
Married Couples Who Are in Bands TogetherMarried Couples Who Are in Bands TogetherThere are quite a few active bands who have a currently married couple as part of their members.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
The Most Extreme Temperatures In Iowa And IllinoisThe Most Extreme Temperatures In Iowa And IllinoisResidents of Iowa and Illinois need warm and cold weather clothes.Ryan McCreddenRyan McCredden
7 Effective Ways to Combat the Winter Blues In Illinois7 Effective Ways to Combat the Winter Blues In IllinoisThere are plenty of ways to boost your mood, beat the winter blues and get through this season.EmilyEmily
The 10 Best Hair Metal Albums By Non-Hair Metal BandsThe 10 Best Hair Metal Albums By Non-Hair Metal BandsSome bands did not fit the hair metal mold, but played along convincingly enough for at least one album.Sydney TaylorSydney Taylor
ROADS: Check The Quad Cities Traffic CamerasROADS: Check The Quad Cities Traffic CamerasTraffic cams throughout the QCA to keep you updated on road conditions.Connor KenneyConnor Kenney
Biggest Reunion of Each of the Last 25 YearsBiggest Reunion of Each of the Last 25 YearsSome reunions stick, others are short-lived, but inevitably the return of a popular band is often most welcome.Chad ChildersChad Childers