Walcott Parent Shares Video of Student Being Beaten by Bully On Bus
The uncle of a student beat on a Walcott school bus shared a video on Facebook of the incident, but the reason for the beating is not clear.
The video doesn't show what happened before or after this beatdown, just a message from the man who shared it. He calls for the Vice Principal at the school to be removed from her position.
This happened first time last week with Walcott schools doing nothing! Now this video is from today. Does Walcott schools care about their students or just the ones causing trouble. Walcott schools vice principal could of stopped this from happening. I think their vice principal needs to be removed! She could of stopped the bullying of this poor little kid, but chose to let the aggressive older, much heavier kid continue to bully this younger little kid.#firewalcottschoolsVP, #sheistoblame
The comment section is filled with different opinions, and even a message from the victim's aunt.
This is my nephew who is in 6th grade and weighs about 90lbs being beat on by an 200+ 8th grader!! Walcott school failed to do anything to the kids last time. The kid punched him in the face over a week ago and a girl hit him several times in the head with a ruler. Hard enough to leave huge knots on his head. Now this happened. What is Davenport schools coming to?? What are they going to do about it? This sickens me!!!!
Another woman commented what could be the other half of the story, saying the victim is a troublemaker, and allegedly had abused a female student. She paints the boy punching as the hero of the story.
The school can’t be held accountable for all incidents. I was told from kids in neighborhood the kid getting hit had been verbally and physically hurting a girl. The older boy had warned him to stop previously to this incident. He continued to do so and took actions into his own hands, which I don’t agree with. I do not know either of the boys and I’m not defending either of them. Was also told the younger kid is very disruptive, throws chrome books at teachers, cusses at them, etc. Again, not a reason for him to do it but parents need to be accountable for their kids actions too.