A motor vehicle inspection stop by Illinois State Police 150 miles from Chicago ended up turning into a $40 million cocaine bust last Friday afternoon.
We're just entering the time of year that people are ordering more stuff for delivery to their homes than any other time of the year, also known as the holiday season. We know that most of us are not going to stop having packages delivered, so maybe knowing which two days bring package thieves (or, "Porch Pirates") to your house than any other days will be helpful to you.
If you've ever wondered if airport travelers in today's world are nastier, angrier, and more unhinged that they used to be, take a look at the video of this outburst at O'Hare airport. That should answer your question very well.
Since residents like to party during the Labor Day Weekend, Illinois police are stepping up their DUI patrols to make sure everyone stays safe during the holiday.