I've always envied brewers.  Being a beer lover, I've been enamored by the behind-the-scenes of brewing beer.  It's the main reason I started my "What's Tappening" segment.  I get to talk to brewers about what got them into the industry and learn parts of the job that I never even considered.

Blue Cat Brewing Co
Blue Cat Brewing Co

There's a lot more to brewing beer than coming up with catchy names & cool bottle art.  If you're looking to jump head-first into that mash-tun this is a great event to learn more about the business and the art of brewing.

Make Beer Your Career

Saint Louis University and Blue Cat Brewing Co. present: The Brewer’s Journey: A Panel Discussion of Careers in Brewing With Charlie Cole, Head Brewer and SLU Alum.

Event Details:

Thursday, November 3, 2022
6–7 p.m.: Social Hour and Reception
7–8 p.m.: The Brewer’s Journey Panel
At Blue Cat Brewing Co. 113 18th Street, Rock Island, IL

Register by clicking through here. Attending this short course qualifies you for a 50% discount on your first course toward SLU’s Brewing Science and Operations Certificate.

Blue Cat Brewing Co

Blue Cat Brewing Co

Upcoming Events to Check Out


What's On Tap

Join the Club!

On the second Saturday each month, local craft beer fans get together at a local brewery, taphouse, or pub to support the local craft beer scene.
QCBC members get exclusive deals on beer during meetups, take part in the six-pack mix-pack bottle share, get chances to win giveaways each month, and access to discounted and FREE tickets to some of the best craft beer events.
Come make some new friends, sign up at CraftQC.com today!
Follow QCBC on Facebook and Instagram

This Geneseo Home Is A "Nightmare On Zillow Street" And Wait Until You See Why

A Geneseo home on Zillow has some very interesting features. Would you buy it?

Essential Winter Emergency Kit Items

Winter season in the Quad Cities means cold temperatures, heavy snow, and slick roads. Hopefully, you won't ever need to tap into your winter emergency kit, but it's better to have one in your car than to be unprepared. Make sure you have these essential items in your car before winter arrives in the Quad Cities.