Davenport Shares Big Plans For Bike Path Expansion
The City of Davenport has been working for decades to build a trail system for bicyclists, hikers, and those who just want to go for a walk. Nearly 15 miles of trails exist that run from the west side of the city to east where they connect to Bettendorf trails, and Davenport is looking to expand to connect their north to south trails.
A new plan was shared by the City of Davenport via social media, connecting the existing Goose Creek trail north of 46th Street in Davenport to the existing Duck Creek trail at Eastern Avenue Park.
The plans show that 3 creek-crossing bridges will make up the new path, which runs through the backside of the neighborhood between 33rd Street and Kimberly Road, with an underpass under Kimberly Road.
From Kimberly Road, the path then runs along Mississippi Avenue, down 39th Street, and following Goose Creek again, where it will cross the creek and connecting at 46th Street where there is an existing recreational trail.
Facebook was the first place many saw the new plans, which were shared in the form of a rough map opening.
This project will be funded through the American Rescue Plan Act, which the City explains on their website.
"The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021 and provides $350 billion in additional funding for state and local governments. The City of Davenport received $40.9M in ARPA funds, which must be allocated by December 31, 2024 and fully expended by December 31, 2026."
There is no word of the cost or a start date for construction, but the Facebook comments show a mix of reactions to the expansion plans.
"Love the bike trails,and ride them a LOT. However,other than cutting down all of our shade trees along the trail to sell for mulch,the city does a terrible job of maintaining the trails we currently have..." wrote Jeff Goodman.
"Great to see we may finally have a safe path to ride / hike north / south in Davenport! The streets running north / south just aren’t safe for bikers and pedestrians," Diana Raftery commented.
Others raised concerns over road quality needing to be a priority.
James A Thompson Sr. wrote "Is this a late April Fools joke or what? Let's take care of the streets and alleys first, Davenport."
John Harris had the same concern, saying "It would be nice if the city could fix the busted up junk streets."

You can read more about the upcoming projects being funded by ARPA on the City of Davenport's website.